Be Patient and Have Passion When Writing
Both of them are perfect companions…
What really driven all of us to start writing on Medium? The answer is simple, it was passion (mostly). It can be passion to write, passion to share some random stuff, passion to help people understand something or even passion to make money from writing.
Then, 10 posts later, still no claps, no response, no highlights and not even a single new follower. You start to become impatient and start questioning yourself and your ability. Why don’t people read my posts? Are my posts not good enough?
This is just the stuff that most new writers need to face when they start writing here. That’s why you must have patient alongside your passion when writing on Medium.
Why Patient and Passion?
Both patient and passion are like Yin and Yang. Without passion, what’s the point of having patient and without patient, what’s the point of having passion. Both created the perfect harmony between each other, and one cannot exist without the other.
When you’re writing, passion become the force that enable you to finish that writing with the most perfect words, sentences, or information that you can think of. It drives you to share it with other peoples without caring what they think about it.
On the other hand, patient become the force that makes you to keep moving forward. It drives you to keep posting articles, improve your skills, accepting any bad responds and flaw with open hand and mind.
Now a little fun fact for you, try to flip the words ‘passion’ with ‘patient’ and vise versa, then read it again, what did you get? The clue to the answer is both passion and patient create a perfect harmony and both of them are perfect companions. Try to guess it by writing your answer in the response section.
It Will Never be Easy
The truth is you can write 100 or as much post as you wanted, but without passion and patient, all of that will not be worth it. It’s just like a footballer scoring 500 goals in his whole career and winning all the trophy or achievement that exist but not feeling happy about it.
Other than that, everything that you do in achieving something will never be easy. You will face a lot of challenges along the way. There’s just no cheat code for everything, and the same is also applied toward writing.
Even if there is some sort of cheat code, it will never bring you towards the satisfying result that you wanted. At the end of the day, the process, and the journey is the most valuable reward that you will get.
So for the new and struggling writers in Medium, keep having passion and be patient. It might not be great for now, but who knows, everything might change in the future. If it doesn’t work out, screw it. Just move on and keep pushing forward.
Don’t forget to clap, respond and highlight any part that you love in this post. If you want to show me more support, buy me a coffee. Thanks for your support and have a great day.